A little update from the studio...
Well hello there! I hope you're doing well! I know you usually get these emails with me trying to sell you prints, mostly because that's what I've been told to use these emails for... But something I don't share with many people is that I LOVE to write and to share! I write a lot, every day in fact. As a creative person it helps me get my ideas out on paper and stop them from driving me a little crazy in my head. Lately, I've been incredibly busy packing holiday orders, which I'm so incredibly grateful for even though I'm very tired! But that's not why I'm writing to you, friend. I'm writing to you to talk a bit about my creative journey, which it has been... a never ending journey.

I started my art biz in 2017 with hopes and dreams of proving all the adult-figures in my life that I could in fact make a living from art. And boy did I prove them wrong! Lol
As amazing as the past few years have been, I always felt like there was something missing from the mix. A yearning to hold my brush a little looser, to extend my arm a little further and to work on thick, giant canvases instead of small pieces of paper where I have to squint my eyes! Small movements that bridge a gap between working and creating.
And so with that comes a new journey. One that is familiar, yet oh so foreign. I'm diving into the world of oil painting.

As scared as I am of this path, I'm equally as excited. I am learning so much about art, about myself as a person as well as an artist and I can't wait to share more of that with you as I go.
So, dear friend, I hope that you'll join me in embracing this journey, whatever that looks like for you, in this coming new year. I hope we can all find the courage to explore our hearts yearnings and create the lives we so truly desire.
Until next time, happy holidays, happy new year and THANK YOU for being here every step of the way.